AGCM Fred Baillie, USN, Ret.

Birthday wishes are all around
you can buy them anywhere...
They come in different shapes and forms
But few if any... can restore your hair.

Hallmark has such pretty words
With lovely pictures that really glow...
But , these words in my heart today
No one else could know.

I wish you joy and all thats good
Like everyone else in town.
But more important for things unseen
For the strength beneath your frown.

I wish your heart could be so strong
To give your body zest
I wish your soul could dig down deep
And put your mind to rest.

With the help of GOD and the rest of us
To cleanse your body now
of those cancer cells that once were big
But now theyre few...so small
and ready to take a bow.

I wish for you the strength of two
To pray to GOD each night
that you may face each day with hope and dreams
For a future... long, happy and bright.

Happy life Darling... for as long as GOD allows...